I love when everything clicks.

When you can actually hear the click in your head and it makes you stop and take notice, that’s when you know you are on to something!   It’s that moment when you say “AH yes, this is what it feels like to do what I love. This is the career for me.” When it clicks, it sticks.

The click has happened for me many times. But just recently, when it happened, I needed that click more than that click will ever know! It was so easy for me to say “I love what I do” when I worked for Oprah. Who wouldn’t love that job? It’s not so easy to say it when we are on our own, doing the work without a team and a brand behind us.   That is truly when we need click affirmation!

Go Red Detroit prof 9
And so this happened. I was in Detroit for The American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women’s luncheon and I was asked to do their Open Your Heart Appeal. I was asking the room to give. And the goal was to have 100% giving in the room. This is kind of a new thing for me, but I am a heart patient and I am passionate about women’s heart health, so I figured I’d give it a try. I took the stage, opened with a little bit about my story and then I stepped off the stage into the audience. I felt the shift. The connection clicked.

I started to walk the room and I was giving “shout outs” to tables who had given 100%. When suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a woman walking towards me from the back of the room holding her table number on a metal stick. In that instant, my instinct told me to grab her by the arm and take her back on stage where everyone could see her. And that is when I gave her the biggest shout out anyone could get from the stage “Table 39 100% GIVING!” I screamed! I can’t remember her company’s name now, but I will never forget what happened next. The room went crazy!

Forty-two people came towards me with their table numbers on metal sticks! (I know this because I counted them after I sat down.) I shouted their company’s name and table number one after the other from the podium. It was a giving frenzy! We were all hysterically laughing and loving the moment. I felt like a homecoming queen accepting bouquets of flowers, only these were metal sticks! I remember thinking “Should I stop this madness?” And then quickly said “No!” We are making history here and I feel the CLICK.

“We are making history here and I feel the CLICK.”

The point of my story is this – if you are meant to do what you love, what your natural talent is, you will feel the click time and again. Whether you are a doctor, a teacher, a nutritionist, a coach – you fill in the blank. When you hear the CLICK – celebrate it and know that you are absolutely where you should be.

“When you hear the CLICK – celebrate it and know that you are absolutely where you should be.”

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