I don’t know about you, but skincare has me a bit overwhelmed.

I am only clear about one thing – I do not want to get cut and I will purchase anything that will keep me from doing so. Which means my bathroom vanity is filled with product! I overspend on some products and try to be creative with others, but who knows if what I’m doing works and I find myself confused most of the time.

So, I called on my friend and celebrity makeup artist Michele Probst to simplify things for all of us. Michele is the founder of Worth Beauty Company where she helps women either side of 50 find simple solutions for healthy, glowing skin. Yes please!

I admit that I pretty much buy my skincare through my esthetician’s office or a fancy department store counter. Michele says a good skincare regimen does not have to cost so much and she gives us the 101 on drugstore products that work just as well. I appreciate that knowledge and I have a feeling you will too.

This podcast episode Speaking of Beauty is filled with tips & at-home tricks that will keep your skin healthy and young and all of Michele’s favorites are included in the show notes for you to consider. If even just one of Michele’s suggestions works for you I will take that as a win!

The one thing that has changed my skin in the past six months is my humidifier, which Michele told me to buy. She suggested I add a little eucalyptus essential oil and let me tell you – Michele knows what she’s talking about!

Happy listening & Happy shopping!

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