Forty-five days ago I got on the scale,
and the scale told me the truth I had been avoiding. Seeing the number was the reality check I needed to get to work. I love being a healthy weight, so why was I not allowing myself that privilege? Instead of choosing utter discouragement, I decided to treat my weight loss goal as a job. I decided to love doing the work it would take to lose 12 pounds.
The first thing I did was open my calendar to find six weeks where I could actually make this happen. Six weeks when I wasn’t traveling and didn’t have back to back work events scheduled. I needed the time to focus on this weight loss goal just like any other job I take on. If I had started before I was ready to “show up” for this challenge, I would have failed. April 5 was the date that worked best for me; and of course, it was right in the middle of Deepak Chopra and Oprah’s 21-Day Meditation: Shedding Weight – Mind, Body + Spirit. This was a good sign. And I like signs!
I met with a nutrition consultant who manages my goal and keeps me on track. I agreed to weigh in each week with her which makes me accountable. Weighing in is the game changer to weight loss. I went shopping for protein, vegetables, sea salt and the perfect glass bottle for the 64 ounces of water I drink each day. And let’s remember 64 ounces of water in a 54-year-old bladder is not pretty! I plan my entire day around bathrooms.
Next, staying organized is a BIG part to successful weight loss. Every night I chop my 4 cups of vegetables, measure out my sea salt and olive oil and have my protein prepared in the refrigerator. I feel like I am in control and actually enjoying the process. It’s the same feeling as having an organized desk and being completely caught up with work, personal phone calls and bills.
“I feel like I am in control and actually enjoying the process.”
Now that I have reached my goal, the real work begins. Maintaining my weight loss is what I fear the most. Life starts happening and next thing I know, I’m drinking my 3rd glass of wine, eating my second loaf of bread and ordering dessert. That’s when I will really need Jesus! But I have made a promise to myself that I will manage this one day at a time and I will try not to let fear overwhelm me.
Losing weight is hard work, but ultimately, it is the greatest way to truly love ourselves. It really is a labor of love and I am enjoying the fruits of my labor–my body aches less, I have more energy, my clothes fit and I am excited for the challenge each day. Yes, I want wine, yes I want bread, yes I want the banana chocolate chip cake I bake for my family; but loving myself tastes way better.